Eating, Drinking and Cooking in South Jersey This Weekend: July 4th Edition (7/5-7)

Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July and had a day filled with fireworks, grilled meats and veggies and a cold beverage (or five). For this weekend, it looks like a hot and sunny one, so find a body of water somewhere, and maybe another one of those aforementioned cold beverages. There are a few … Continue reading Eating, Drinking and Cooking in South Jersey This Weekend: July 4th Edition (7/5-7)

Eating, Drinking and Cooking in South Jersey This Weekend (7/6-8)

Catching a breather from all of the heat, fireworks, not  to mention all the folks still without power (hope relief comes soon), this weekend is on the quiet side. And so, we'll take a peak into next week as well to see what's going on food-wise. Missed the big blueberry festivals? Still got your chance. … Continue reading Eating, Drinking and Cooking in South Jersey This Weekend (7/6-8)

Festivals of Food – Summer 2008

After several days of work, we have put together a list of food events taking place throughout South Jersey. Are they all festivals? No. Are they all just food-based? No, but we tried to keep the focus on food. Did we list every single possible event? Well, we did have to draw the line somewhere. … Continue reading Festivals of Food – Summer 2008